Oh hey there bloggers

I’ve had trouble sleeping on and off for my whole life, but I’ve never really needed much sleep.  I function fine, sometimes even better, without sleep.  It was often simply lack of time that led to my lack of sleep; I was simply too busy with sports and school to get the coveted eight or nine hours of sleep, but when I could, I was out like a light.  These past couple weeks, however, I have not been able to sleep.  I would lie in bed for hours upon hours just staring at the wall.  It was not for lack of time.  If I had been able to fall asleep, I would be sleeping for a good ten hours before I would have to wake up.  Even once I was able to fall asleep, I would only sleep in small increments of time before waking again.  No, time isn’t the issue now.  But this begs the question: what is the issue?  I started thinking tonight, ya know, while I was staring at the wall, now that it’s 3:30 in the morning for me, maybe I just have too much on my mind.  I’ve been meaning to start a journal, but hey, I’m nineteen; I get distracted easily.  Then I thought what about blogging? So, here I am.  I hope the blogging world is ready for me.
