Monthly Archives: March 2014

“Whatever you want to do, DO IT.
There are only so many tomorrows.”

Alright. I’m going to start off by explaining to you my OBSESSION with quotes.  You may think I’m kidding, but nope. Dead serious.  My phone gallery? Filled with pictures of quotes.  My walls? Covered with quotes.  I even have books dedicated to me writing quotes in them.  Quotes make my life easier because when I need inspiration they’re ready to be of use.  I need inspiration a lot….

Anyway back to this quote.. I am sorry I don’t know who said this originally, but I have so much admiration for whomever it was.  Quotes are polytheistic, and this is one of the quote gods of all the peasant quotes.  I’m kidding, but I’m also totally not.

This quote is telling you to get up.  Go out there.  And do what you’ve always wanted to do.  LIVE your life.  Make it count.  Don’t die with regrets.  Don’t die with a bucket list.  And definitely die with a whole bunch of “what ifs.”

I hate to burst your bubble, and I apologize now if you’re one of those irrational people who are afraid of death, but everyone dies.  Yes, listen closely, EVERY SINGLE PERSON, WHETHER THEY LIVE OR NOT, WILL DIE.  I know.. you just read what was in caps lock and got so confused.  How could they die if they didn’t live?  I’m not saying they weren’t alive.  They were.  They may have even been here for over a hundred years, but maybe they didn’t live. 

So I’m telling you right now.  Get out there.  Live your life. Because you are going to die.  It may be another hundred years before you die, but hell.  It could be tomorrow.  The truth is, life is unpredictable.  Nothing is promised and nothing is guaranteed.  We just have to make the most out of it when we still have the chance to.

And don’t you dare argue with me about how when you “get out there, you could die” because I’m going to tell you right now that having “died skydiving” in your obituary is a hell of a lot cooler than “choked on asparagus.”

Hope you enjoyed this post!  It’s a little goofier than my poems have been.. Leave me comments with feedback and your favorite quotes!!





Pieces (Poem)


By: Me

He said “I love you,” but she smiled and walked away

She knew she couldn’t love him in that way

The fairy tales, they were never true

He said you can learn to love me, but can you let me love you?

Her sad smile told him all he needed to know

Her heart was broken, the pieces scattered like winter’s first snow

He picked up the pieces; he tried to mend them, make it whole

But all he had to show were bloody hands; he had failed his goal

As he walked away, he dropped the pieces, scattering them once more

Her heart was broken, and his hands were sore

She couldn’t take it. Her heart once again shattered 

Anything that was left.. it no longer mattered


Random original poem by yours truly. Hope you all had a good first day of Spring! 

As per usual, please leave feedback; any and all comments are welcome. 

Thank you all for reading! Can’t wait to hear what you have to say!

Please keep in mind, I am in no way a professional writer/poet (unless you count the poem I had published when I was eight..), it’s simply an outlet for me.. so keep the criticism to the constructive level ❤ 

