Tag Archives: love

Pieces (Poem)


By: Me

He said “I love you,” but she smiled and walked away

She knew she couldn’t love him in that way

The fairy tales, they were never true

He said you can learn to love me, but can you let me love you?

Her sad smile told him all he needed to know

Her heart was broken, the pieces scattered like winter’s first snow

He picked up the pieces; he tried to mend them, make it whole

But all he had to show were bloody hands; he had failed his goal

As he walked away, he dropped the pieces, scattering them once more

Her heart was broken, and his hands were sore

She couldn’t take it. Her heart once again shattered 

Anything that was left.. it no longer mattered


Random original poem by yours truly. Hope you all had a good first day of Spring! 

As per usual, please leave feedback; any and all comments are welcome. 

Thank you all for reading! Can’t wait to hear what you have to say!

Please keep in mind, I am in no way a professional writer/poet (unless you count the poem I had published when I was eight..), it’s simply an outlet for me.. so keep the criticism to the constructive level ❤ 



Settle Down? I Think Not.

Sorry for the lack of posts the past week and that this post is going to be all over the place.  Also, this topic might draw some contradiction, but hey.. it’s how I feel, so here we go:

So many people I know (I’m talking younger than 21) have been having babies and getting married.  I mean that’s fine.  They’re their lives.  I’m in no position to judge them.  If that’s what they want, by all means go for it.  But what bothers me is when people ask me if I have a boyfriend and when I say no, they ask why not.  “But you’re too pretty.. “too nice… “too athletic… to be single.”  I’ve heard it all.  I don’t always agree with it, but I’ve heard it.  Point is, is being in a relationship really all I have to strive for?


I’m not in a relationship because I’m not one of those girls who needs to be in a relationship all the time.  I’m not in a relationship because I’m not looking for a relationship right now.  If I happen to stumble upon a guy with complimentary goals and standards and values and ideals as me then that’s all fine and great and dandy.  Maybe I’ll date him, but maybe, maybe we’ll become really good friends instead and have an awesome relationship as friends.  I know the idea is completely crazy, but that’s actually how I have some of my best guy friends.  And I absolutely adore every one of them, but we’re better as friends.

Where do they find this many guys that they like??
Where do they find this many guys that they like??

So okay… maybe you think I have commitment issues.  But let me explain this further.  There are things in my life that I still want to accomplish.  Things that have to do with me and accomplishing my goals. 

One of those being my self image.  I know I need to accept myself before I get in a relationship.  I can’t just try to find, know, and embrace myself if I’m in a relationship.  That’s the big one… only because it’s the one that I truly can’t do while in a relationship.  The others I think can be argued.

love yourself

Next is that I want to travel.  I want to go everywhere and see everything.  I’ve been to almost every state in the US, I’ve lived in five different places, and I’ve also been to a handful of countries outside of the US, but when I say I want to go everywhere, I mean it.  Sure it would be fun to go with a significant other.  When I get married (and I do hope to eventually), I hope my husband and I will travel.  But there are some places I want to just go with my friends or by myself.   There are a few things/places I want to do/go on my bucket list before I settle down.  I don’t want to settle down and find my life slip away.


Lastly, I want to finish school.  I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it before, but for those of you who don’t know, or are newer readers, I’m in a 6 year DPT program, studying physical therapy.  At the end of the six years I will have my Doctorate of Physical Therapy (yes that’s what DPT stands for).   I’m not saying I need to complete college and build my career before I have a boyfriend or anything.  Just that I don’t want to settle down, get married, have a kid, etc. before I graduate.

If you’re in a loving relationship, have a kid, got married, whatever your life has in store for you, I wish you only the best of luck.  This post in no way was meant to judge you or belittle you.  It’s based solely off of my values and my life.  It was only meant to be in respect to my life.  If you can relate, I think that’s awesome, but if not, that’s okay too!

I hope that one day, I do find that guy that I want to spend the rest of my life with, but if that’s not today, it’s okay.  That’s what I’m trying to say in this post.  I don’t define myself by being in a relationship.  If I find “the one” tomorrow, that’s great; if I find him in ten years, that’s great too… who knows, maybe I’ve already met him.  But before I settle down, there are some things I still want to do, myself.  And whoever he is, he’ll be okay with that.  If he’s not, he’s definitely not “the one.” 😉



What’s Love Got To Do — Got To Do With It?

Our generation has slowly but surely lost the meaning of love.  We use the word loosely; we throw it around.  We’ve heard this from our parents, maybe even grandparents.  I’ve always taken “love” very seriously, but because it is a feeling, I also believe each person has the right to define it on their own.  If you look up the word “love” in the dictionary, you’ll find the following:

love  [luhv]


1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
Doesn’t that make you want to love people?  If it doesn’t, I don’t know what will.  No, I’m kidding people.  Keep up with the sarcasm.  Honestly, each person should define love.  What does it mean to you.  Maybe because it’s indefinable, you decide it’s not real.  That’s fine.  I believed that for a while.  When I thought about it more in depth though, I found I did have a definition of love.  Now if you’re looking for some mushy post about love, this is not it.  I’m not a mushy person.
I define my love for others as them being people I would take a bullet for.  I don’t mean it in some heroic way; I’m not making myself out to be a hero; I’ve never been shot or anything.  But if it came down to it, the people I love are people that I would actually, literally physically jump in front of a bullet for.  My love encompasses my family and, despite the head-shaking of older generations, every single one of my friends.  I do not exaggerate when I say that I love every single one of my friends.  I would gladly die (again: THIS IS NO EXAGGERATION) for any one of my friends.  However, what people have to realize is that I’m not one of those people who skip around like life is full of rainbows befriending every single person I see.  I’m the type of person to surround myself with people who believe in me and support what I’m doing in life and who make my life better.  I can only hope that they see the same in me and gain improvement in their lives from our friendship.
On the other hand, there’s that “special” love.  That you keep for that “special” person and for that “special” time.  Alright that’s great.  You all know what I’m talking about, people who are “in love.”  I can acknowledge this love, though I am incredibly skeptical about it.  Hey, it’s understandable to me; I have yet to define it.  That’s okay with me.  I can only hope that someday it will be added to my own personal dictionary and that I’ll have some special guy in my life who will share that same, or at least complementary, definition of being “in love.”
I’d love to hear your definitions of love or your thoughts on this post.  Leave a comment!