Tag Archives: comment

What’s Love Got To Do — Got To Do With It?

Our generation has slowly but surely lost the meaning of love.  We use the word loosely; we throw it around.  We’ve heard this from our parents, maybe even grandparents.  I’ve always taken “love” very seriously, but because it is a feeling, I also believe each person has the right to define it on their own.  If you look up the word “love” in the dictionary, you’ll find the following:

love  [luhv]


1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
Doesn’t that make you want to love people?  If it doesn’t, I don’t know what will.  No, I’m kidding people.  Keep up with the sarcasm.  Honestly, each person should define love.  What does it mean to you.  Maybe because it’s indefinable, you decide it’s not real.  That’s fine.  I believed that for a while.  When I thought about it more in depth though, I found I did have a definition of love.  Now if you’re looking for some mushy post about love, this is not it.  I’m not a mushy person.
I define my love for others as them being people I would take a bullet for.  I don’t mean it in some heroic way; I’m not making myself out to be a hero; I’ve never been shot or anything.  But if it came down to it, the people I love are people that I would actually, literally physically jump in front of a bullet for.  My love encompasses my family and, despite the head-shaking of older generations, every single one of my friends.  I do not exaggerate when I say that I love every single one of my friends.  I would gladly die (again: THIS IS NO EXAGGERATION) for any one of my friends.  However, what people have to realize is that I’m not one of those people who skip around like life is full of rainbows befriending every single person I see.  I’m the type of person to surround myself with people who believe in me and support what I’m doing in life and who make my life better.  I can only hope that they see the same in me and gain improvement in their lives from our friendship.
On the other hand, there’s that “special” love.  That you keep for that “special” person and for that “special” time.  Alright that’s great.  You all know what I’m talking about, people who are “in love.”  I can acknowledge this love, though I am incredibly skeptical about it.  Hey, it’s understandable to me; I have yet to define it.  That’s okay with me.  I can only hope that someday it will be added to my own personal dictionary and that I’ll have some special guy in my life who will share that same, or at least complementary, definition of being “in love.”
I’d love to hear your definitions of love or your thoughts on this post.  Leave a comment!